Vendor Application
Dear Vendor,
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate as a vendor at the 2022 Jacksonville (NC) Jazz Coalition Annual Concert. This event will be held May, 21, 2022, at Sturgeon City, 50 Court St., Jacksonville, NC 28540. This will be a wonderful opportunity to highlight your business and showcase your merchandise.
Attached for your completion is the Vendor Registration Form, which contains additional details about vending options and times, payment deadline, and set-up and take-down times. As we have limited vendor capacity, booth will be assigned on a first-pay/placed basis. In order to plan effectively, we are asking for Vendor Registration Forms to be returned, along with the appropriate payment, by May 14, 2022.
We thank you in advance for your consideration, and we look forward to your participation. Please contact our vendor committee chair, Willie Johnson at (910) 381-4573,
Grover C. Lewis III
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